A Better Way to Connect with Open House Guest

PhoneTapify Open House offers a seamless user experience thanks to its beautiful design, performance, stability and innovative features – all of them built with the user in mind. Explore our features now.

Chatbots Powered by OpenAI and Dialogflow

The chatbot replies autonomously to visitors' messages on everything trained on the live listing. It's objective is qualify can collect guest contact information. Start Automating communication.

Automated Communication

Speed guests communication and automate conversations by engaging one of the most advanced forms of artificial intelligence in the world.

Chatbot Training Your Open House on the Fly

Text Input with specific Instruction (FAQ)

Upload PDF Documentation

Website Scraping with a URL

Open House Trained Prompt ready to go

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Improve Workflows and Productivity

Using bots can help reduce agents' stress by automatically answering repetitive and boring questions.

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Automatically Qualify Leads & Booking Appointment

Capture leads without the use of forms. Obtain user details through human-like conversation and book appointment based on your calendar availability. Connect your Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar and automate communication.

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Take over conversation

We give full control to the agent if they want to take over the conversion at anytime they have access to take over the chat.

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Lead Naturing CRM

When a lead information is capture, the AI Chatbot continues with email and sms follow to complete objective. Agent will have access to the CRM and will be prompted when a lead is interest to engage with the agent.

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Connecting leads to your CRM using Zapier

You can easily flow all leads leads to your CRM using Zapier.

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Discover more additional core Features

Chatbot Objective - Convert Buyers & Sellers Leads

  • Answer Questions

  • 0:3 Seconds Response

  • Qualify user

  • 2-3 minutes

  • Collect Contact Info

  • 2-5 minutes

  • Lead Nurturing

  • 6 months

Digital Profile

NFC Display Signs

Lead Follow up Sequence


PhoneTapify Open House Kit is powered by Authentic Imaging.

Copyright 2024. All Right are Reserved. Open House NFC By PhoneTapify